Falkland Islands Dependencies i Stanley

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Shackleton House, Stanley FIQQ 1ZZ, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Kontakter telefon: +500 22215
Latitude: -51.7009, Longitude: -57.8491
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Kommentar 5

  • Dario Avella

    Dario Avella


    Think to fix the problems of Argentina! With years of bad economy Argentina need of international loans with 40% of interest because have the same ratings like Greece. It's the classical case of Latin area with past bad economy choices (underegulated welfare, low cost investments for R&D, corruption, etc).




    Falklands Islands...stolen by english goverment from Argentine Republic since 1833.

  • Amanecer Cortes

    Amanecer Cortes


    Port Stanley of the British Falkland Islands is just something beautiful! very european and colorful looking with amazing beaches and very nice people!

  • Dayane Mattos

    Dayane Mattos


    Gorgeous! A wonderful experience. Many penguins.




    I think the Argentine people are indoctrinated from an early age on untrue history about the Falklands islands. The people that live there and have always lived there are from British descent and they should be allowed to live in there own country in peace.

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