Waterfront Guest House i Stanley

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Ross Road, FIQQ 1ZZ, Stanley, FK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Kontakter telefon: +500
Latitude: -51.692381, Longitude: -57.8578139
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Kommentar 5

  • Gabriela Murphy

    Gabriela Murphy


    Lugar tranquilo, impecable y con excelente atención

  • Ricardo Skanata

    Ricardo Skanata


    Hotel boutique, bien ubicado, atención personalizada, muy buena comida, excelente ambiente y habitación confortable, buena cama

  • Marcin Martychiewicz

    Marcin Martychiewicz


    Great food very nice deserts coffee is very nice as well place is very popular so it can be crowded from time to time. You vs enjoy your coffee with cake with very nice wiew. There is also a very good selection of meals. It is really nice place worth visiting

  • Beatriz Ansaldo

    Beatriz Ansaldo


    Exquisito todo. Súper recomendable.

  • Dario Avella

    Dario Avella


    For fortune the Falkland it's a British Territory, against the economy of Sud America that it's full of debts and welfare wrong choices, here there are a better system. By history and de jure this is British area, exist just into your mind that this island "geographically it's a part of Argentina" The Corsica it's of the France by the DE jure and we accepted it, but invade Corsica because geographically it's Italian it's very stupid.

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