The Waterfront Hotel i Stanley

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36, Ross Road, FIQQ 1ZZ, Stanley, FK Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Kontakter telefon: +500 21462
Latitude: -51.6923385, Longitude: -57.858231
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Kommentar 5

  • Marcin Martychiewicz

    Marcin Martychiewicz


    Nice place to visit with very good view

  • SANDRA Ingouf

    SANDRA Ingouf


    Great coffee and cake

  • Sarah F

    Sarah F


    Fabulous location and very nice room. They were able to accommodate my gluten-free diet, and the breakfasts were terrific and included. We also enjoyed several lovely evening meals here, overlooking the water. Highly recommend both the hotel and their restaurant.

  • Gillian Mason

    Gillian Mason


    I had lunch and dinner here recently. Lunch was a tasty bacon quiche and salad. Dinner was also very good. I had chicken with dophinoise potatoes and vegetables. One friend had the rack of lamb which was excellent and the other a great steak. The sitting room is very colourful which I found interesting. Especially the Cow wallpaper. I can't give 5 stars as although the service was fine, the waiter was rather scruffy. Wearing the same clothes as the day I had lunch and possibly the same apron. If you want to create an image, look closely at the detail.

  • Timothy Arnold-Moore

    Timothy Arnold-Moore


    Almost a B&B feel, rooms upstairs, comfy sofas downstairs and one of Stanley's best restaurants. Staff are very friendly and bend over backwards to make you comfortable. English breakfast (included in the rate) is awesome.

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