Malvina House Hotel i Stanley

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Stanley FIQQ 1ZZ, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Kontakter telefon: +500 21355
Latitude: -51.6916442, Longitude: -57.866057
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Kommentar 5

  • andy smith

    andy smith


    Fantastic visit. Good food warm atmosphere.

  • Daniel McCurdy

    Daniel McCurdy


    Absolutely my favourite place to stay in Stanley. Definitely more pricey than the many bed and breakfasts, but it is a high quality hotel, with great rooms. The rooms are spacious, clean tidy and fresh - good bathrooms too. The TVs let you plug in a USB drive with movies to watch - handy ! I've stayed here twice and both times the service was exceptional. The bar is great - fairly quiet. The food at the restaurant is excellent - not quite as good as the Waterfront, but still amongst the best you'll find in Stanley.

  • Jason McKnespiey

    Jason McKnespiey


    Excellent hotel in Stanley, East Falkland. Good internet access too (very rare for these islands) albeit it has to be paid for £15 for 12hrs access. Restaurant also very nice, with quality local produce (had tooth fish).

  • Sarah F

    Sarah F


    I don’t know why so many people choose to eat here rather than at one of the other restaurants here. Having booked a table, we were kept waiting nearly an hour — they expected us to buy drinks at the bar until they could squeeze us in — and yet the restaurant was practically empty! It felt like a total scam. Then there was the language barrier with the waiter— which did not inspire confidence that I would get the strictly gluten-free meal I needed given that I have coeliac disease. The food was ok but expensive (the gluten-containing lamb dish was apparently very good), and being kept waiting for no reason really annoyed us and we will definitely not go back there. Try The Waterfront if you want a great meal in a romantic setting. Try The Narrows for great food that doesn’t break the bank. Try Bittersweet for gluten-free pizza. There are probably other places to try too!

  • Gillian Mason

    Gillian Mason


    I had dinner and drinks here. Weekdays it's very quiet though livens up at weekends. There's a reasonable selection of wines and beers. I had a lamb dish which was very tasty but not exceptional. My friends had the reindeer burger which they really enjoyed. Service is good and prices fine. The bar is more inviting when busy. Despite good views, there are dreadful net type curtains at the windows. Why ?

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