Victory bar i Stanley

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Ross Road, FIQQ 1ZZ, Stanley, FK Falklandinseln (Malvinen)
Kontakter telefon: +500
Latitude: -51.6936561, Longitude: -57.8574771
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Kommentar 5

  • Munehiro Moribe

    Munehiro Moribe


    Pub típico inglês de propriedade de brasileira. Muito bom.




    Cute place to visit. A very interesting place, a good place to visit, interesting and beautiful views, I hope to return, I will be here some days, I have had a great time on this long trip. I will continue traveling the world, because it gives me life, health and culture. So far I have traveled by air, but here I met some wonderful people who suggested I travel by sea, if you have time, which I find very tempting, so for the next trip I will do it by sea, I am also motivated by the idea that it will become a positive life adventure. In addition, the meals are exquisite, the menu is varied and the staff is really top-notch, very professional, they make known in detail the queries of interesting and hidden places to standard visitors, congratulations to all.....! The Falklands are and will be forever and forever British God save the Queen! More the less, debe haber un error, dice "puerto argentino", es un puerto BRITANICO, estas tierras siempre han sido y serán BRITANICAS, solo en mentes fanáticas delirantes allí la fantasía enfermiza permite que podrían ser argentinas...pero eso en la realidad nunca va a poder ser, ese país no tiene ni ha tenido jamás los méritos de poner bandera alguna aquí.

  • Hilo Lin

    Hilo Lin


    Jeg kan lide det!

  • Marcin Martychiewicz

    Marcin Martychiewicz


    Great place nice food good selection of beer great atmosphere you can watch sport there great location and friendly people

  • Ralf Müller

    Ralf Müller


    Auch wieder typisch british! Man fühlt sich wie zu hause. Gutes Essen, leckere Drinks, nettes Personal. Wenn ein Kreuzfahrer auf Reede liegt kann es auch schon mal richtig voll sein.

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