Gypsy Cove i Stanley

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Gypsy Cove, Stanley FIQQ 1ZZ, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
Kontakter telefon: +500 22215
Latitude: -51.6763417, Longitude: -57.80915
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Kommentar 5

  • John Dickens

    John Dickens


    Nice walk out from Stanley. Lots of Magellanic penguins on the beach and burrows in the vegetation. Beaches are fenced off due to landmines in the area. Interesting birds and insects. Keep an eye open for dolphins in the cove.

  • Chris Coulson

    Chris Coulson


    An absolutely stunning location, whose most ironic crown jewel is the minefield that provides shelter from tourism for the breeding ground of local penguins. See also, the old naval gun on the hill. Approximately a 30 minute round-trip from the carpark to where you start, to take in all the views. Best done on a hot day.

  • Archie Deacon

    Archie Deacon


    Glorious scenery.

  • Kim Cork

    Kim Cork


    Amazing place. Nice to be so close to nature.

  • Marcin Martychiewicz

    Marcin Martychiewicz


    Great places one of the most beautiful beaches near Stanley with white sand. You can see penguins over there it is a nice place for a short walk with great view

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